Itinerary of Everest Base Camp

 When I was preparing for trek, I came across many different itineraries. Some involved only one acclimatization day at either Namche Bazaar or at Dingboche. I was confused. The one with acclimatization day at Namche Bazaar seemed more popular. I wondered if we could accommodate both. However, with the number of days available at hand and this didn't seem possible. 

I am very cautious with myself and the participants when it comes to high altitude. Going slow and sticking to the itinerary are two important factors.

Our Original itinerary looked as follows:  


Sr No. Date Starting Point End Point Notes
Day 1 15 May 2024 Lukla Phakding 8 Kms - 4 Hours
Day 2 16 May 2024 Phakding Namche Bazaar 12 Kms - 6 Hours
Day 3 17 May 2024 Namche Bazaar Namche Bazaar Acclimatization Hike to Khunzum
Day 4 18 May 2024 Namche Bazaar Tengboche 10 Kms - 6 Hours
Day 5 19 May 2024 Tengboche Dingboche 10 Kms - 6 Hours
Day 6 20 May 2024 Dingboche Lobuche 12 Kms - 6 Hours
Day 7 21 May 2024 Lobuche Gorakshep 12 Kms - 9 Hours
Day 8 22 May 2024 Gorakshep Pheriche 12 Kms - 9 Hours
Day 9 23 May 2024 Pheriche Namche Bazar 16 Kms - 8 Hours
Day 10 24 May 2024 Namche Bazar Lukla 18 Kms - 8 Hours

This itinerary is not only fast but also involves quick altitude gains. It is extremely demanding physically and I was worried that I may not be able to enjoy the trek. I didn't want to be the one who would be dragging the team. This where the guide played very important role. He asked me to add two more days. Apart from this, he also arranged for tickets to fly from Kathmandu instead of travelling to Ramechhap. This saved one day for us and we added one more day. As per my understanding before the trek, that meant we got acclimitization day at Dingboche which is above 4000 meters. But the itinerary still looked very demanding for our return to Lukla.

Many phone calls later, I realised that we will have to stretch a lot on our way back and it would be easier considering we would be acclimited.

Ngima told me, that we would be staying at his B'nB at Ghat instead of going 2 kilo meters ahead to Phakding on our first day. That also meant it would add up 2 more kilo meters for second day. It wasn't really what I was looking forward to. Anyway, I decided to trust our guide, Ngima unconditionally. Afterall, he is the one who has better idea of his terrain.

Here's the itinerary that we actually followed:

Sr No. Date Starting Point End Point Notes
Day 1 15 May 2024 Lukla Ghat 6 Kms - 2.5 Hours
Day 2 16 May 2024 Ghat Namche Bazaar 14 Kms - 9.5 Hours
Day 3 17 May 2024 Namche Bazaar Phungi Thenga 8.5 Kms 4.5 Hours
Day 4 18 May 2024 Phungi Thenga Pangboche 6.75 Kms - 6 Hours
Day 5 19 May 2024 Pangboche Dingboche 7 Kms - 4.5 Hours
Day 6 20 May 2024 Dingboche Dingboche Acclimization Hike of 1.5 Kms
Day 7 21 May 2024 Dingboche Pyramid 10 Kms - 8 Hours
Day 8 22 May 2024 Pyramid Pyramid 15.5 Kms - 12 Hours
                                      We went to EBC via Gorakshep on this day!!!                              
Day 9 23 May 2024 Pyramid Pangboche 15.5 Kms - 7 Hours
Day 10 24 May 2024 Pangboche Namche Bazar 13.5 Kms - 7 Hours                        
Day 11 25 May 2024 Namche Bazar Ghat 13 Kms - 6 Hours
Day 12 26 May 2024 Ghat Lukla 6 Kms - 3 Hours
Detailed updates of each day will follow and I will update the links for each day as and when I publish the posts.

The data of hikes is per my smart watch: Amazfit TRex Pro. The watch was paused during our breaks most of the times to record duration and distance accurately.