Day 1 - KTM - Lukla - Ghat

15 May 2024

We woke up around 4 AM. The hot water was available so we bathed once and for all before the trek. It was obvious that hot shower won't be possible until our return to Kathmandu couple of weeks later. 

We were late to start. The taxi driver was also upset as he had been waiting since 445 AM whereas we had requested for a taxi at 530 AM. Then right outside the hotel, in that tiny road, there was a water delivery tanker which took another 15 minutes. The driver dropped us at the airport at 615 AM. The flight was scheduled for 635 AM. We rushed to find Tara Air's counter on that airport. There was a group of Filipinos before us. I wasn't worried or stressed as I was on 13 May because SK had already told me that they put the people on first come first in basis. All I was worried about was that we three should be placed on same flight. 

None the less, we were checked in and during security check the personnel told me I had a Swiss knife on my carry on. So after the security check in I returned to the counter where our duffel bags were put to keep the Swiss knife. Fun times. 

So we kept seating near the gate, until 730. Ngima had flown to Lukla in an earlier flight. He was not exactly upset but sounded kind of disappointed in us. At 730, one of the staff of Tara Air came and took us to bus and drove us to a cute little Twin Otter aircraft which could seat only 17 or 18 people. The flight was quiet uneventful with few mountains seen on one side.  

When we landed, Ngima and Surendra were already waiting for us at the arrivals. Ngima was our guide and Surendra is his employee who was going to be our porter for this trip. Soon the luggage arrived and we were on our way to Lukla town. Our first stop was Hiker's Inn for tea and coffee. 

When Ngima and I were discussing itinerary, he had mentioned that we would hiking to his place in Ghat which is two kilo meters before Phakding, the usual first halt on this trek. I was excited to stay with a Sherpa Family. 

Right outside Lukla town, there is a counter for permits. Ngima completed the formalities and we were soon back on the trail. 

I am a flora enthusiast, so I kept  clicking flowers which were on both sides of the trail. I found a orchid and few more. With lots of breaks for clicking flowers, we took little less than 3 hours to reach Ghat. 

At Ghat, we had lunch and rested a bit. There were school kids from Namche Bazaar with their teacher. They were here to celebrate 25 years of school at Ghat. So the entire place was lit up. Constant chatter and bing bong... They also practiced for their dance performance. We had dinner and went off to sleep at 9.30. 

In the evening, Ngima instructed  that we would start around 7AM for Namche Bazaar which is 14 kilo meters from Ghat. I checked sunrise time and weather for next day before sleeping. 

Stats for the day:  15 May 2024

Starting Point:   Hikers' Inn Lukla

Starting Time:  09:20 AM 

Altitude at Starting Point:  2853 meters asl

Ending Point: Milan Lodge Ghat

End Time: 12:00 PM

Altitude at End Point: 2595 meters ASL 

Paused Time: 0:00 

Highest Altitude: 2853 meters ASL 

Distance:  6.01 kilo meters

(Data As per Amazfit TRex Pro)